Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Get Off My Tree -T

T-Shirt Design Revamped - I played with the colors more, and have decided to use this one for my new t-shirt design. It will be my first 2 color on a brown T-shirt

Here is the original colors, which I love, but for a T- I think i am liking the orange and aqua better.

Pillow of the Dead and Piggy

I painted a whole bunch of different designs to become future pillows and handbags. And these two cuties are my favorite. I like how they came out. The color from the scanner is off though, they are more of a fruity orange than a brown.

I am also in the making of 2 yellow piggies. One with a aqua polka dot and one with a green polka dot dress. Here is my before design, I used my digital drawing and created my own pattern pieces and cut them out last night. So they are all pinned up and ready to be sewn into life. I will post a photo of the piggies once I finish them.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

First Post

I have seen quite a few blogs around the internet and the ones on Blogger always caught my eye because of the organization of the entries. So I decided I would place my little internet home here as well. I will be using my blog to keep up with my craft projects and for Illustration Friday.