Sunday, July 29, 2007

Monday, July 16, 2007

Canning Banana Peppers

Sunday night, Mom come over for dinner and brought a big suprise with her. She had about 6 lbs of banana peppers, 2 gallon jugs of apple cider vinager, and a brand new pack of pint size canning jars. She had a big smile on her face and said were canning banana peppers! I have never canned anything in my life. It was so much fun and easy.

This is only a small amount of the banana peppers!
We had 3 bowls full.

And the final product. I can’t wait to try them.

Next is pickling Okra!

Monday Guess 2

Can you guess what this is?

See you on Friday when I edit the bottom of this post with the answer!
If you guessed sweetgum tree ball, you were right!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Brothers daughter

Another photo of Madison aka Maddie. I love being an Aunt Wendy. She is wearing her camouflage outfit in this photo and matched her dad that day.

Fruitflypie is on the front page of Etsy!

I'm so excited, thank you
dollyday for giving me the heads up! Fruitflypie product is the yellow owl planter.

And Thank you, Thank you to riffragz for adding me!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Guess?

I want to start a fun thing called, Monday guess what that is. Then on Friday I'll edit the bottom of the original post with what it is and you can see if you guessed right. Just something fun and geeky to make the week a little more fun for everybody! Around the Holidays (October) the objects will get harder and I will send a holiday fruitflypie prize to the winner of Monday Guess! So starting tonight, todays Monday Guess............... Can you guess what this is?

If you guessed bananas you were right! Some very ripe bananas for banana bread!

Color + Owls= Love

My new screensaver image. Another Ebay find. Such beautiful vintage owls, I fell in love with all the colors. These guys make me so happy!

Friday, July 06, 2007

I love these sunflower chairs!

Someone sold these chairs on Ebay about a month ago. What do you think? I wanted them sooo bad but they were too expensive. I saved the photo because I think we can make some ourselves in the future, plus it makes me happy to see them.

New owl soap trays

Owl Bathroom Set

New owl soap trays complete the owl set for the bathroom. I will be doing these in all the colors to match the owls. Hoot!

Fruitflypie & Family

My brother come down to vist last month and I got to visit with my one and only little neice. I love her soooo much and really enjoyed visiting with everyone. Here is a photo of Maddie and I, she was being a squiggle worm in this photo, but we were true friends and hung out and she intoduced me to her favorite show "The Wiggles".

Jason and me in front of the house
My brother Rusty & me

and another Maddie, I think she is the cutest kid on earth!

Brothers daughter